PoolFurnitureSupply.com only uses factories that commercially package our products to reduce damage from commercial transportation. It is important to note that orders, depending on the items included, may arrive in multiple shipments, from multiple factories, within different lead times. The shipping method for each order portion will be determined at the time of the delivery. See Shipping Methods below for more details. Each shipment will ship as soon as possible unless otherwise specified. A recommended arrival date for the product can be stated upon request by our customer but is not always guaranteed.
Basic Shipping charges cover loading merchandise at the factory and transporting it to the delivery address provided at the time of the order. Additional services can be purchased to assist in the delivery process. See Shipping Surcharges Below.
Deliveries are made via third-party carriers. Truck Drivers are simply drivers and are not contracted to call before arrival or assist with deliveries. If assistance is required to receive the products, it is extremely important to make arrangements in advance by purchasing the appropriate services. These services are listed below and are available for selection during checkout. If you have any questions about these additional charges please call PoolFurnitureSupply.com immediately (1-877-646-6320) to resolve any questions you may have.
Shipping Surcharges
Additional delivery services may apply at an additional fee based on the shipping location or customer's needs during delivery acceptance. These options should be selected during checkout to ensure the best delivery experience possible. Please review the surcharges below for more details:
Note: These shipping surcharges are available for selection during the checkout process within the Customer Shipping page.
Shipping Methods
Below is a list of methods by which orders are delivered. The Shipping Method is determined when the order is ready to ship and can change without notice. The size, weight, and service options selected are the most significant deciding factor in which the factory will deliver the merchandise. For more information on what Shipping Method your order will be delivered, please call 1-877-646-6320 for complete details.
LTL - Default
Commercial Delivery typically ships LTL, which is delivered on a 53' 18-wheeler semi trucker. Ample space is required without obstructs for the driver to make the delivery effectively. If the size of the truck is a potential issue please select the Lift Gate service during check out as most carrier equipment the lift on smaller box trucks, and note "need a smaller truck for delivery" in the comments before placing.
Lift Gate
Lift Gate Delivery, also known as off-loading assistance, comes with a potentially smaller truck equipped with an elevator. The driver will pull the order to the back of the truck and lower it to the ground for the customer's receive team to relocate and inspect. Small orders of merchandise can usually be physically taken off the truck, but Lift Gate Service is advised due to the size and weight of most merchandise, especially for residential customers.
Items deemed small enough to deliver Ground will be done without a call ahead or signature required. A secure address is needed to ensure that the merchandise is received as the order is typically dropped without notice. The address can be separate from the Commercial Delivery portion of the order.
Dedicated Trailer
If a large order is shipping from the same location, then the delivery may be made via Dedicated Trailer or Dedicated Load. This service secures a 53' semi-trailer for the entire order. Because of this, there is no offloading and re-loading between terminals, just the swapping of the truck itself. Benefits of this delivery method include shorter transit times, less potential damages, and less freight cost per weight and space used. However the trailer will not be equipped with a lift gate, so the customer must have a receive team to offload the products piece by piece or have equipment onsite to do so. The driver will not assist with the offloading but will pull the order to the back of the truck for easier access.
Damage Claims
It is our customer’s responsibility to receive, inspect, and record the condition of the merchandise on the packing slip at the time of delivery. The customer must take pictures of the condition of the packaging once received and document any findings. A package inspection should be first done on the boxes or pallets, looking for any punctures, cuts, scuffs, dents, or seal breaks before opening. Then inspect all products for tears, scratches, uneven frames, etc. Damaged merchandise or parts will be replaced or repaired to new condition only when recorded on the packing slip and reported to PoolFurnitureSupply.com within 48 hours of the actual delivery. Further instructions and information will be provided as a freight claim progresses.
If the delivery is too large to do a complete inspection and/or if the driver cannot wait, it must be documented on the packing slip as such. Example verbiage may include: "Received without a complete inspection", "Boxes Damaged", or "Driver could not wait for complete inspection" before signing off. The receiving customer must make this notation, not the driver. Again, notify Pool Furniture Supply as soon as possible with an itemized count of the damage and pictures for further claims.
DO NOT REFUSE DELIVERY, unless the entire order has been compromised. If you have any concerns about damage claims, please call 1-877-646-6320 and we will answer any questions you may have.
Our sincere desire is to make your buying experience from PoolFurnitureSupply.com the most cost-effective and effortless. Please exercise caution making sure all the shipping information and services are correct when ordering. Additional charges occur if the delivery address is incorrect or services are ordered at the time of delivery. Thank you for the opportunity to serve you well.
If you have any questions regarding the above shipping methods or have special shipping needs, feel free to call Customer Service at (1-877-646-6320). We look forward to serving your needs.